


年次 氏名 演題  
2022 Lars E. French A new player in pustular adverse cutaneous drug reactions Ger
2021 Akira Takashima Joy of Research: Lessons from Studying Langerhans Cell Biology for 30 Years USA
2020 Alexander H. Enk Allergic contact dermatitis – a model for the Yin/Yang principle of cutaneous immune reactions Ger
2019 Anders Vahlquist Ichthyosis: A road model for skin research Swe
2018 Thomas Bieber Mechanisms of atopic dermatitis and reflections to precision medicine Ger
2017 Thomas Ruzicka Basal cell carcinoma – clinical spectrum, pathophysiology and new approaches to diagnosis and treatment Ger
2015 D. A. Norris New Approaches to Activation of Death Pathways in Melanoma : A Critical Step in Achieving Durable Clinical Responses? USA
2014 Richard Gallo A Journey to Expand Understanding of the Complex and Beautiful Skin Immune System USA
2013 Peter M.Elias TREATING ATOPIC DERMATITIS AT THE SOURCE: Corrective Barrier Repair Therapy Based Upon New Pathogenic Insights USA
2012 Thomas Schwarz The many faces of UV-induced immunosuppression Ger
2011 Luis Dubertret The Patient Based Medicine:A Medical Revolution Fr
2010 John McGrath Gene hunting for inherited skin disorders UK
2009 Kevin Cooper Psoriasis: Immunobiology and Emerging Therapies USA
2008 Paul R.Bergstresser Basic Science Approaches to the Pathophysiology of Skin Disease USA
2007 Georg Stingl Topicalimmunomodulation - a promising approach for the treatment of inflammatory and neoplastic skin diseases Aust
2006 John Stanley Genetic and functional characterization of human pemphigus monoclonal antibodies USA
2005 Kristian Thestrup-Pedersen Atopic Dermatitis in the 21st century; a skewed establishment of the peripheral T lymphocyte system ? Den
2004 Barbara A. Gilchrest Responses to prerventy and treat skin cancers USA
2003 Lowell A. Goldsmith Hereditary and Environment in dermatological disease USA
2002 Rudolf Happle New aspects of cutaneous mosaicism Ger
2001 Jean-Hilaire Saurat Skin, sun, and vitamin A: From aging to cancer Swtz
2000 Ervin Epstein, Jr. Basal cell carcinoma: From human families to gene families-and back USA
1999 Albert B. Ackerman Exploding myths about melanoma ! USA
1998 William H. Eaglestein From occulusive to living members USA
1997 Jouni Uitto Clinical implications of basic research on heritable skin disease USA
1996 John J. Voorhees Psoriasis immunological disease USA
1995 J. Graham Smith, Jr. Vasculitis USA
1994 Jon M. Hanifin New therapeutic rewards from clinical research in atopic dermatitis USA
1993 Stephan I. Katz The skin as an immunological organ : Allergic contact dermatitis as a paradigm USA
1992 Irwin M. Freedberg Keratin: A journey of three decades USA
1991 John D. Strauss The past , present and future of dermatology in the United States USA
1990 John A. Parrish Laser medicine and laser dermatology USA
1989 Samuel L. Moschella Lupus erythematosus and its subsets; their diagnoses and management USA
1988 Natale Cascinelli Management of cutaneous melanoma Ital
1987 Richard L. Edelson Immunology of cutaneous T cell lymphoma USA
1986 Enno Christophers Leukocytes in skin disease Ger
1985 Jean Civatte Some French contributions to dermatopathology Fr
1984 Kenneth W. Halprin Treatments of psoriasis USA
1983 Klaus Wolff The Langerhans cell and the epidermis: an Integrated immune system Aust
1982 William L. Epstein Newer findings in granulomatous inflammation USA
1981 Walter B. Shelly The induction and elimination of disease in human skin:Personal adventures USA
1980 Malcolm W. Greaves Role of prostaglandins in inflammatory and proliferative skin disease UK
1979 Alfred W. Kopf Computer analysis of 3531 basal cell carcinomas of the skin USA
1978 John L. Turk Mechanismus in delayed hypersensitivity UK
1977 Aaron B. Lerner Vitiligo :The loss of pigment in skin,hair and eyes USA
1976 Pierre de Graciansky Les reticuloses cutanees-Etude critique Fr
1975 Harvey Blank Herpes simplex :From vesicle to cancer USA
1974 Gustav.Asboe-Hansen Experimental search for connective tissue active drugs Den
1973 Richard K. Winkelman Lymphocytic reticulosis and the Sezary syndrome USA
1971 Gustav Niebauer Langerhans cell and other epidermal dendritic cells Aust
1970 C. D. Calnan Evaluation of the contact environment UK
1969 Thomas B. Fitzpatrik Melanin 1969:Some definition and problem USA
1968 Otto Braun-Falco Zum problem der psoriasis vulgaris Der
1967 Herman Pincus Pathbiology of the pilary complex USA
1966 Robert R. Kierland Associations of systemic lupus erythematodes, scleroderma and dermatomyositis USA
1965 Rudolf L. Bear Phototoxicity and photoallergy USA
1964 Walter C. Lobitz, Jr. The responses of the human epidermis to injury USA
1963 Walter F. Lever Primary hypercholesteremia and idiopathic hyperlipemia: Clinical biochemical and therapeutic considerations USA
1960 Marion B. Sulzberger On the biology and1functions of the skin surfase USA
1959 Alfred Marchionini Neuere methoden und ergebnisse der Experimentellene dermatology Ger
1958 Stephen Rothman Kerachinization and kerachinization anomalies USA
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